Sunday, November 25, 2007

Inane Thoughts

As I venture into this wild and seemingly twittish world of blogging, I ask myself WHY??????

Surely there has to be more than life than committing ones rants and raves to the public domain. Of course there is, but yet one considers it an opportunity and a platform to educate others into not making the same mistakes and having the same trials and tribulations that one does in what is relatively a short life (and if I don't relinquish the habit of 60 Regal King Size a day, life will be severely curtailed).

However , the short term thoughts concerning about whom I may make comment , before the politically correct brigade (and those one step up from the evolutionary chain of cockroaches [aka solicitors/attorneys]) begin asserting their liberal legislative supported bull with threrats of litigation fills be with both woe and sadness regarding the state of the country, and also a feeling of "go boil your dammed heads with male genitals sticking outta yer foreheads".

Come back the good old days where the squire could take a lily livered git, enjoin him to the bridle reins of a 15 hands stallion and chase him over the moors, over gorse, rocks and even better through rat urine infested waters.

Rather than set up some blog site, I had intended registering a domain name, but yet have no clue as to which would be more apt. A quick sortie into domain name registration did afford the following possibilities ( replace asterixes if over 18). If under 18, go and do your school homework.


Amazingly, the first domain was available, yet, the second one had been taken. Now is that not a statement about society.

So who can I actually make comment on????? Probably the archetypal man and wife in middle England with 2.4 children who works 9 to 5 in a 2 up 2 down, as a civil servant and a safe government pension, I am probably ok. If I mention, ethnic people, or those with homosexual leanings, or the disabled, or any other grouping with a lobby at Westminster, Uncle Gordon will send down the full force of his myriad of different PC groups to my door.

Let the taxpayer foot the bill for all of you to decide whether I should be

a) a burden on the NHS as a mental patient (oops sorry, care in the community means I can get out next week, unless I have a knife, I can get out tomorrow and attack someone)

b) spirited to Guantanemo to Gordons godfather Dubya, just in case I have a second cousin who decided to follow Allah

c) persecuted under the anti smoking regulations cause I lent some doctor my lighter in arrivals at a certain scottish airport cause the dickheads at departure security assumed i was a risk.

d) jailed for doing 41 in a 40 mile per hour zone, as its easier for the pigs ( sorry police) to sit behind a hedge and catch someone on their way to work to earn money to pay taxes to pay their wages than be on the frontline against hoodies

The list is endless, and hence this blogspot may disappear as the idea of choosing the available domain is too great an enticement. However, I am making this post just to see if censorship does apply on the net on an international basis. Remember no-one owns the net except for certain governments trying to censor. Lime the oxygen in the air that is available to all, freedom should be for everyone, safety should be paramount for all, but as George Orwell suggested "Some are more equal than others".

Funnily he was talking about a totallitarian state, not a democracy. Both the USA and the UK are never ending in their defence of being the democratic leaders of this small inoucuous blue planet. Yet there is more democracy in a pack of Hyenas on the African plains.

At least there, one knows where one stands. I'd post Uncle Gordon a letter with his failures as a PM, but there is more likelihood of me successfully posting a letter to Santa Claus than me posting in a CD version of my gripes and getting an acknowledgement that it has been received.


Unknown said...

This address might be handy for you then ....

pearl said...

www.iamatotalto** is available!